
This post will be a short story of how getting an email lead me to finding out that I was, in fact, sort of a hipster.

Ok, about thirty minutes ago I arrived home from school and went straight on my laptop as usual. I checked all the websites I love (Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo, and Twitter). I noticed I had received my weekly email from NME, which is a British music magazine. One of the links in the email looked interesting so I clicked it. It lead my to a Tumblr page called "Look at this fucking hipster". I deemed the name of it interesting enough for me to read so I took a look. I found it pretty funny, except I had no idea what a hipster was. So I had to Google it as usual (yes, I admit, I use Google. I'm a hypocrite, deal with it) and I went to the Wikipedia page, of course. Wikipedia sometimes doesn't satisfy me though because they have an unbiased view, so I went to Urban Dictionary. The fourth definition on the first page explained it all very well. (I'll post the definition in a seperate post because it is very, very long).

So, as I read the definition of "hipster", I realized something. The definition pretty much explained exactly what I am at the moment and what I'll be in the future. The problem is, I don't know if hipsters are considered good or bad. I suppose that hipsters themselves think they are amazing, but the outside world thinks they are idiots. I assume that because most of the things I've read/heard about hipsters are bad. Nobody seems to like them!

If you don't know what a hipster is, just read my next blog post. I'll post what, in my opinion, is a thorough definition of the word "hipster". I think I can assume that once you read it you'll either realize that you know or are a hipster, or you still won't get it.

Anyway, in my opinion there are nothing wrong with hipsters. But maybe that's just because I am one!

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